5 Reasons To Go To That Funeral

There are a million reasons you don’t want to go to that memorial service. You weren’t particularly close to them. Heck, if you don’t go, they’ll never know. Besides, funerals make you uncomfortable. You probably don’t know what to say to the survivors. Why should you go to that memorial service? I’ll give you five reasons:1.    It’s not about You.Newsflash: funerals are not about your comfort. In fact, I can’t think of anyone who thinks funerals are particularly comfortable. Sometimes they can be quite awkward, frankly. But to quote the sage Woody Allen, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” So if you want to be perceived as having half a heart, show up. And if you don’t care what people think about you, show up anyway.2.    Funerals are for the Living.Your presence comforts the survivors without you even saying a word. You being there is like a big hug for the entire bereaved family. And if you’re afraid you might lose all control and cry, you’ll fit right in, because we’re supposed to weep with those who weep. Don’t know what to say? How about, “I’m so sorry for your loss.” That’s it. Much better than stupid clichés.3.    Because their life mattered.Whether the deceased was young or old, they were loved. They were part of a family, a community. The funeral marks the end of their life here on earth, but their memory will never end. And for the family, the memory of a funeral where friends came and grieved with you will never end either.4.    It’s good for you.A funeral or memorial service is God’s providential way of slowing us down long enough to reflect on how we’re wasting spending our finite days. As the psalmist says, “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”5.    Someday it’ll be you lying in that casket.This, of course, is the real reason you don’t want to go, isn’t it? Funerals remind us that we all have an expiration date. And since I’m assuming you want people to show up to your funeral, go already. You won’t regret it.


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