
We thought she was ready to go home on Wednesday, but...she wasn't. The 24 hours we had at home were bumpy. She vomited in the middle of the night, then was gaggy/nauseated most of Thursday, then vomited three more times, and by the time we got to her pediatrician for a follow-up, she was looking sunken and grey again. The blood draw to check her electrolytes at the local lab was unsuccessful, so we went back down to the hospital to have labs drawn, and then decided we needed to admit her. Oh, and the other thing was that she had seven seizures while we were home--forgot about that detail.The on-going problem is that we are having trouble keeping the amount of fluids/nutrition she needs inside her body. She is tolerating 40 ml./hr. formula into her GJ tube without gagging, but that isn't enough to maintain hydration. It appears that her gastric system just hasn't recovered it's pre-flu status.So, we are problem-solving while she gets IV fluids. We increased up her hydrocortisone dose again to double. Her seizure meds will probably need to be increased.  Also, she is being tested for celiac, to see if that may be contributing to her gastric problems. But her thyroid levels are in the 75% of normal, so those are not a contributing factor. I think the bottom line is that she needs to recover from the flu complication of gastroparesis--quickly.Thank you again for your prayers,Jean


The Plan


Maybe Tomorrow?