The Plan

Well, since this weekend, Annie's gotten back up to a grand total of 25 ml./hr. of formula through her j-tube. If you remember, she was up to her goal rate of 62 ml./hr. when we were discharged, which only lasted for about 24 hours after we came home. Why? I. don't. know. So for now, we've decided to feed her via TPN, or PPN (partial parenteral nutrition) for the foreseeable future. She will have a central line placed later this week. She already has begun receiving nutrition through her IV, and is perking up from that, as well as the IV fluids she's getting.

Annie's gut may need more time to recover, or it might not recover--you never know until time passes. We will continue trying to advance the rate on her j-tube feeds, but if she can't do it, she'll at least be getting enough food through the central line. Now, the downside of parenteral nutrition is the risk of infection, as well as the increased nursing requirements of administering it. But Annie needs food, and TPN/PPN is what she can do for now.

So that's the latest. We appreciate your prayers for strength and endurance for all of us, and healing for Annie.


For who is God, except the Lord?
And who is a rock, except our God?
It is God who arms me with strength,
And makes my way perfect.  Psalm 18:31-32


God's Plan

