What happens when 7 moms who've lost children come together for a weekend of sharing

Thank you for your prayers for my friends and me this past weekend--it was cathartic to recount stories, cry and pray with other mothers who have suffered the death of a child. Like I said in my previous post, we all knew each other from a church Bill and I attended years ago, and have reacquainted through Facebook. I was sitting there one night in December looking on FB, counting up all the women from the church who had lost children, and just felt God saying, "You guys need to get together, and we can make this happen."

The Lord brought together the details of gathering us all--two of the moms from out-of-state--and provided a warm, hospitable place at Ocean Shores to meet (thank you, Pam!). We talked through a series of questions designed to help us reflect on the details of what happened, how it affected our marriages, families, and relationship with Jesus. We also discussed what we would say to a newly bereaved mother--and what we wouldn't!

We also spent a fair amount of time eating too much, laughing, singing worship songs led by one of the moms, and dodging the waves on the beach. It was a good, fun, and healing weekend on multiple levels.

Thanks again for praying--God was there with us.


You now have a child among the angels--to whom we will soon go. So short is life that our wounds are healed almost as soon as they begin to bleed. We part, and so soon meet again. ...To you it must be a sharp cut--but our Lord has an almighty salve.  Charles Spurgeon


What to Do for a Mother who Mourns


Missing my little pink Valentine