Missing my little pink Valentine

February 2011

I took this picture on February 18th--the day before we took Annie to the hospital last year. Remembering the events that happened through February and March of last year are hard. It is a constant discipline to stay focused on the future--heaven--and not keep ruminating on the "what ifs" of the past.

Also, if you think of it this weekend, please pray for me and five friends of mine who have lost children--we're getting together to share our stories, relax, pray and enjoy a couple of days with other moms who miss their kids. Some background: we all went to the same church years ago--and have recently reconnected through Facebook. Some of us haven't seen each other in over ten years, so we're looking forward to this reunion--and also the heavenly one to come.

Thanks for your prayers,


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

What happens when 7 moms who've lost children come together for a weekend of sharing


Do you have adrenal insufficiency?