Thankful for a Child's Perspective

Got this e-mail this morning from my niece, Lorraine. Her 10-year-old twin girls, Grace and Aileen, are pictured with Annie in the October 25th post.

I was thinking of all the reasons why I'm thankful and last Sunday we had a service where anyone could come up to say why we are thankful as well. One elderly man was thankful that the Lord gave him a new wife (after his first wife passed on) by having a new woman visit our church and a year later they were married. It's adorable and they are well suited.

Then after a few more families giving thanks, Grace and Aileen cajoled their friends to come up with them to give thanks. Aileen stammered and then spoke up, she was thankful that Annie was in heaven and could eat. I just couldn't look up after that. Kleenex in hand, I was a mess.
Needless to say, she said what was in my heart. I miss her, I miss all of you and I'm glad she's well again.

I was also a mess after I read this. It comforts me that Grace and Aileen carry Annie so close to their hearts. They prayed fervently through the years of her illness, begging God to heal their little cousin. And now, without minimizing their loss of Annie, their faith is big enough to thank God that today she is well--and can eat.

Another e-mail came a few days ago from my friend, Rebecca, whose daughter, Caitlyn, was in Annie's class at school last year. Caitlyn is still in the same Lifeskills class, with the same teacher, Miss Cindy. Rebecca said, "Miss Cindy has a series of videos on her iphone of the kids, and one of them is of Annie. She said Caitlyn loves to choose that one to watch, and kisses the screen while she watches it. We never know with her just what she is taking in and what things have impacted her. It's obvious, though, that she remembers her friend."

I love to hear these stories, and I'm thankful for these tender, little hearts who love and remember Annie.


Christmas in Heaven


7 Things I'm Thankful For