7 Things I'm Thankful For

Let me be blunt--being thankful isn't going to be the easiest thing I do this Thanksgiving. It may be easier to dwell on the one thing I don't have, Annie, than all the things I do have. But as my friend, Cindy--who lost her husband four months ago to a sudden heart attack--reminds me, I need to make a daily decision to "Choose Joy." So with some borrowed joy from Cindy, here are 

7 things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving season:

1. You. Whether you know me or are just peeking in, I appreciate your stopping by. One of my goals in keeping this blog is to share an eternal perspective in tough situations--in our case, with the disability and subsequent death of our daughter. And because everyone at some point experiences hard things, I hope that our story gives you hope for yours.
2. Bill--the best best friend I could ever have, to walk with through life...and death.
3. My courageous children--who keep forging ahead with their jobs, schooling, and responsibilities all while carrying their own burden of grief.
4. People who pray for us, send cards, and ask us how we're doing. It means a lot.
5. Parents or caregivers who ask for our advice. When we are able to help others with what we've learned, it redeems our loss.
6. People who talk about Annie--share memories of her, dreams they've had...anything. When you talk about Annie, it comforts us because it means you think about her, too.
7. Jesus--who died to pay for my sin and gave me eternal life. In heaven. With Annie.



"We ought to give thanks for all fortune: if it is good, because it is good, if bad, because it works in us patience, humility and the contempt of this world and the hope of our eternal country." C.S. Lewis


Thankful for a Child's Perspective


Missing Annie #1 and Annie #2