Life Editing

As I said in the previous post, Bill treated me to a weekend away to think, plan and pray at a little bed & breakfast called The Artist's Studio. It's about an hour from here by ferry on Bainbridge Island. Awesome sanctuary in the middle of nowhere. Or at least that's how it felt. Highly recommend it.Now then, while I was there thinking, planning and praying, what did I hear?I was reminded that I've devolved (again) into reacting rather than being intentional with my time. Reactive is my middle name. Planning? Scheduling? What's that? I plan to get up in the morning. That's about it. But--I think I've found this scheduling tool from Michael Hyatt that will help me accomplish what I need to. If you look at his graphamagig, across the top of the page you'll see headings over each of the days: blog/podcasts, special projects, appointments, personal, church. So he designates certain days to do certain things. Brilliant, huh?I know this may be elementary to most of you, but to have days blocked out with different themes seems like a better idea to me than what I currently do. Which is get distracted doing 6 unrelated things on each day.So that's one lightbulb that went off.The other is, I really have to focus on a few things. My plate is big enough for God, my family, a few friends, and writing. At this point, I've decided to take everything else off it. So, although I have mixed feelings about that, I am feeling relieved that I'll be able to focus on writing instead of procrastinating. And getting distracted.The bottom line is that each of us have things we're called to do, and we need to do those things, and not fill up our schedules with "good" things that distract us from the "best" things. And when I say best, I mean best for me, not necessarily best for you. Make sense?Now, my question to you is, how do you get done the things you're called to do? Or is your schedule filled up with good things, rather than the best things?Jean"Help us to remember that You are guiding us according to the counsel of your will. We don't know the way, but you do."  From a prayer I heard this weekend.


Dusty's Race


Midlife Blogging Crisis