
Annie's grandfather, George William Sullivan, affectionately known as "Poppie," passed away on August 23rd. He was 89 years old. Married Grandmommie right before he went off to war in 1943. Our Miss Annie was his youngest grandchild, although he had been collecting quite a few great grandchildren in these last few years.

Poppie was born in Missouri, so that's where he was buried last Saturday--beside his infant daughter who died at birth in 1947. My husband, Bill, and assorted siblings and relatives stood half under the awning, half in the rain and watched the military honor guard present the flag to his mother. A handful of elderly Navy vets came to pay their respects too.

Poppie liked See's Candy, Sharp's non-alcoholic beer and Jeopardy. And although he'd never admit it, he also liked the hugs and kisses he got from his kids and grandkids in his later years.

He said in the ER that the most important thing was to die be at home with Almeda, his wife of 69 years.

We will miss his crotchety old self.





Dusty's Vol-State Race Report