Once upon a time...

There was a little girl who loved to read books. Then she had a brain injury and didn't like books so much anymore. Her mind couldn't settle down enough to look at the pictures on the pages. Her body was too fidgity to sit still on her mother's lap. This made her mother very sad.

After many months, her mother tried to read to her little girl again. She opened a book about farm animals that made noises. This caught the little girl's attention. She looked at the pictures, and heard the noises and laughed. Books suddenly seemed more interesting to the little girl.

Then one day, the mother read the girl a book that didn't make noise. The little girl looked at the pictures and followed along with the story, and laughed at the story, even though the book didn't make any noise. Then the mother read a few more of the books that the little girl used to like to read before her brain injury. The little girl loved every story, and looked at all the pictures and laughed at all the funny parts. This made the mother very happy.

That night, when the mother tucked the little girl into bed, she thanked the Lord for healing the little girl's brain just a little bit more.

The End.


In my own little corner


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