
Lots of news to report this month--first, Annie is getting her Kidwalk gait trainer tomorrow, and I promise to get a video up asap. The first time we put her in it, she seemed to like it, so hopefully, tomorrow she'll do the same.

She also continues to do well in hippotherapy, and sat up real straight while riding Mahon the Amish horse yesterday. She is warming up to him more, too, and actually looked at him when she threw a handful of carrots on the floor for him to eat. Used to be that she'd turn her head and avert her eyes when we parked her wheelchair near his stall. And you may remember that she gagged the first time we tried to get her to touch the carrots. So, maybe next week she'll let him eat from her hand--or maybe next year.

On a practical note, Moira, her school nurse, reported to me last week that Annie sat on her big girl potty, and also produced. Just don't tell her that I told you that--she'd be mortified. Little things are big deals around here, you know.

Well, let me charge up those batteries, and we'll have that Kidwalk video up by the end of this week.


"So I will strengthen them in the Lord, and they shall walk up and down in His name,” says the Lord. Zechariah 10:12


Annie's New Kidwalk


That's all for now...