Memorial Day 2011

We went to the cemetery after church today to put flowers on Annie's grave. Lots of American flags decorated the cemetery in preparation for Memorial Day--many veterans are buried there. The place was a hub of activity today with organizations selling red, white and blue flowers and flags to put on the graves of loved ones. I appreciate the sacrifice of those buried there. Even if the soldiers died of old age, their years spent serving their country deserve honor, respect and gratitude from we who are the recipients of the freedom we enjoy in our country.

For some of us, Memorial Day is more of a day to remember any family member who has died--veterans or not--so that's what we did. I'm glad Annie's grave is close by--the boys stop by there frequently to leave flowers, or to just sit and think. She was a much-loved and cared for little sister, and still is.


Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. Billy Graham


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