I Have a Question

When I go down the list of my kids to pray for them and get to Annie, I'm not quite sure what's the right thing to say, and not praying for her seems somehow disrespectful or unkind. But how should I pray? What should I ask for? It's not as if she needs anything, and she's not sick anymore...and most of the things I used to pray for her don't apply now.

But when I think of her, I want to pray for her.

Sometimes I wish there were more specifics about the lines of communication between heaven and earth--I mean, besides between God and me. Because I know God hears me, (1 John 5:14), and Annie is with Him, (1 Thess. 4:17), but if I ask Him to relay a message to her--will He? What is the conduit of communication between people on earth and people in heaven? Hebrews 12:1 says we're surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses--those who have gone to heaven--but does that mean that they watch us all the time? How interested are they in what is going on here when they've got better things to focus on in heaven? Does Annie think about us as much as I think about her?

I really don't know all the answers to those questions. So this is what I usually settle on: "Lord, please hug Annie and tell her that I miss her and I love her and I can't wait to see her again. And thank you that she is healed and can talk again."

But, really, I can't wait until Jesus comes so I can tell her those things myself.


"Surely I am coming quickly." Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Rev. 22:20




Mother's Day