Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil woke up this morning and saw his shadow, so I guess we'll have 6 more weeks of winter. I hope the cold I've been nursing this week will be gone by then. Annie hasn't gotten it yet, and neither has anyone else--pray that no one does, because it's a doozy. I'm sure some of you can relate. Oh, I forgot there's one more in our house who's sick. Our dog, Millie, has developed an infection in her toes as a result of wearing this leg splint for 4 weeks. So when we give Annie her medicine in the morning, Millie gets her antibiotic. Only in America, huh?

This past Thursday we finished our month-long boost of therapy from Rehab without Walls. They provided intensive in-home OT/PT/Speech services to get Annie up and "running" after her post-hospital slump. She has regained strength and balance in her walking, and more use of her right hand, but the major gain this month was her eating voluntarily and almost voraciously for the first time in a year. As before, we hate to say goodbye to BJ, Debbie & Beth--her good friends/therapists who have worked with her since last spring.

Next week we start back at Cascade Children's Therapy. Annie will be fitted for a foot orthotic there, which should help her with her standing and walking stability. And, she'll continue working on weight-bearing in her arms with Kathy & Cindy, more speech/feeding therapy with Claudia, and more walking with Janine. It'll be good to get out of the house again--hopefully the 6 more weeks of winter won't mean 6 more weeks of snow!

Well--I've used up my allotment of computer time. I need to get all the Sullivan children up and at 'em this Saturday morning. It's sunny today in Seattle, and I feel a housecleaning bug coming on. The kids will be thrilled to wake up to that.


It is good to give thanks to the LORD,
And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;
To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning,
And Your faithfulness every night. Psalm 92:1-2


Super Tuesday


Dining with Annie