Eight ways to show your kids love on Valentine's Day

I like to do little things for my kids on Valentine's Day. And even though most of my children are way too old to admit these things make them feel special--I know they do! So, whether your kids (or grandkids!) are 2, 12, or 20, they will feel loved with these fun ideas.1. Make a Personalized Valentine Card with your son/daughter's name, the meaning of their name, and an appropriate bible verse that speaks of God’s love for them. You can also find verses on character traits you (want to) see in them, or a verse that coordinates with the meaning of their name. www.Biblegateway.com is a great search engine for this.2. Put heart-shaped PB&J sandwiches in their lunch bag. (Find big heart shaped cookie cutters at your local grocer.)3. Write a Love Letter telling them all the reasons you’re glad God gave them to you & put it in their backpack to find while they’re at school.4. Tie a few red/pink/white helium balloons to the front door to greet them when they get home from school. Have some warm-from-the-oven heart shaped cranberry scones with raspberry jam ready in the kitchen.5. Tell them that Jesus loves them and died on the cross for their sins, and that they can be forgiven. Model repentance and forgiveness to them: Say “I’m sorry,” and “I forgive you” often.6. Plan a Valentine’s Day Dinner--and as you’re sitting around the table, tell the kids how you and your spouse met and married, and why you’d do it all over again! If you’re single, talk about how much you love them, and how much God loves them. Find dinner ideas here. Also--for a quick & easy treat, don’t forget that Papa Murphy’s always sells heart-shaped pizzas around Valentine’s Day.7. Make a fun Valentine’s Day Dessert. Look here for ideas.8. Pray with them and for them. Ask God to help your family show His love every day of the year, through the power of the Holy Spirit.


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