December 31, 2011

It's been a tough year, not only for us, but for many of you. Along with the burdens we may personally carry now, there is the sense of apprehension as to what 2012 will hold. World markets, political changes, can weigh us all down if we think about it for long.

However, as I was reading today's message from my flip calendar on the kitchen windowsill, I remembered Who's in charge, and in Whom my hope rests. The One who carried me through 2011 will walk with me through 2012. I do not need to be afraid, and neither do you.

As the Christian surveys the world scene, he is aware that we do not worship an absentee God. He is aware that God is in the shadows of history and that He has a plan. No matter how foreboding the future, the Christian knows the end of the story of history. We are heading toward a glorious climax.*

Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.
Psalm 119:89

May your hope and trust be in Jesus in the New Year, 


*Unto the Hills by Billy Graham


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