Annie's Garden Buddies

After Annie died, her friends at Forest View Elementary 
planted a memory garden for her.
This spring, her friends added more flowers. 
Clockwise from top: Amanda, Josh, Elise & Caitlyn
Teacher Cindy and paraeducator Roxanne 
help dig the holes for the new flower plants. 
Aiden remembers his friend, Annie.
But, he's not too sure about the dirt thing.

I asked Miss Cindy if the kids in Annie's class remember her, and this is what she said:

We look at the photo book in class all of the time and watch videos of Annie.  When asked about Annie, Kai and Elise will go get the book and show you her pictures.  Caitlyn is also very good at finding Annie in the book.  I think for them, that is a good way to honor her memory and they do love it.  They really enjoyed planting the flowers and getting dirty, well most of them. 

Thank you for sharing these photos and stories, Teacher Cindy--what a precious gift!


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A New Vision for Your Life