And The Winner Is...

Now don't accuse me of nepotism, but my niece, Lorraine, and her two charming cohorts in cupcake consumption, Grace and Aileen, won the $50 Starbucks gift certificate for sending in their pictures and story. Woo-hoo!Now, to ALL OF YOU who took cupcakes to your fire stations, schools, churches, and workplaces--thank you for sharing Annie's story and Adrenal Insufficiency Awareness. You made a difference in helping first responders become more familiar with adrenal insufficiency. And you talked about adrenal insufficiency with people you know, which will ultimately make this disease better understood, diagnosed, and treated. Bottom line: you helped save lives.Thanks again for making April 2013 an amazing month for Adrenal Insufficiency Awareness!Jean"One person can make a difference, and every person should try."John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, and Addison's Disease patient


Ella and Katya's Cupcake Story


Lora-Joy & Landon's Cupcake Story