And one more thing...

Today's visit with the neurologist went very well. He spent a lot of time with us reviewing what the best options are for controlling the seizures without the side effect of cognitive slowing. The stuff she's on now has slowed her cognitive recovery, so like I mentioned in a previous blog, we're changing it. All this takes time, but we're already seeing some improvement in her communication. She still is having about four seizures a day though--"little" drop seizures that are only a second or two long. Tonight, however, she also had a weird seizure where her eyes rolled back into her head for a second. So, please pray that we don't start going in the wrong direction.

On a more positive note, the doctor mentioned that when he remembers what her brain MRI looked like in January, he is surprised at how well she's doing. God has knit her brain back together in so many ways--and I am manic in thanking Him for what He's done, while begging Him for more. I don't want to sound ungrateful!

And one more thing, could I ask you to pray that she sleep through the night? One of the side effects of the new med is that it is a stimulant. I think I already wrote this. Feels like Groundhog Day. But it keeps her up all night. And me too--one of the reasons I'm repeating repeating myself. The doctor suggested that we adjust the time we give it to her so that it's not so close to bedtime, so we'll try that.


I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8


I'm Impatient


School is Cool