A Perfectly Pink Party

Thanks, everyone, who joined in to celebrate Annie's first birthday in heaven. Between facebook friends, AIU friends, family and friends, school friends and friends from MH Kids--we were overwhelmed with PINKNESS!

Here's a (growing) list of the things people did in memory/honor of Miss Annie:

We wore Pink: Many friends at Northlake, Forest View Elementary, Mars Hill Kids Ministry, (thanks David!) Erica, Ty'nLorraine, Grace'nAileen, Andy'nNaomi, Princess Madeline, Nicole'nCraig, and many friends from AIU.

We planted something Pink: Cindy, Andrea, Uncle Dan, Rebecca & Linda, Caitlyn--and Pam, who wore pink gloves while planting pink ranunculus!

We sent a Pink balloon to Annie: Ben, Peter, Andy, Naomi, David, Jack, Jessica, Olivia, Mommy & Daddy

We gave books: Jackson gave "Heaven, God's Promise to Me," to the kid's ministry at NL; Paulette gave Brown Bear, Brown Bear to three elementary schools in Eatonville

We made/bought Pink cupcakes: Grace'nAileen, Whitney, Gretchen, Jackie, Jennifer M, Jennifer K, Kimberly...and gave them to our local fire station for AI Awareness: Amy & company, Becky & company, Laura & friends

Thank you all for joining in this fun celebration to remember Annie. And thanks to you who blessed us with prayers and flowers and cards--I am giving you all a big hug right now!


PS. If I forgot your name on any of these lists, e-mail me & I'll edit!


Easter Sunday


Remembering Annie on March 25th